How do I report content/people?

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Reetzy community and marketplace are growing large every day, and we strive to welcome members to an environment that is safe and free from abusive content. To do this, we rely on people like you. If you see something on Reetzy that you believe violates our terms and Community Standards, please report it to us. We have Community Admins (Reetzy Team) and the Group Admins around the globe to review things you report to help make sure Reetzy remains a safe and fun community.

Report Posts: You can report a post by clicking on the downward arrow of the post on the right and click ‘Report’. If the post was made to the group, the Group Admins or Community Admins will act upon the reported posts according to the group rules and our Community Standards.

Report Comments: If you find a comment in a group that violates our Terms and Community Standards, please report the comment or message the group admin about this matter. You can report a comment by clicking the downward arrow of the comment and click ‘Report’. Just like with the posts, the Group Admins or Community Admins will act upon the reported posts according to the group rules and our Community Standards.

Report People: Go to the person’s profile page and click the ‘…’  button, next to ‘Connect’ button. Click ‘Report Member’ and you can report the member to the admins.

Please note that:

  • Reporting something does not guarantee that it will be removed because it may not violate our policies.
  • The number of times you report the content/person does not impact whether it will be removed. We never remove the content/person simply because it has been reported a number of times.
  • Our review decisions may change after receiving additional context about specific posts
  • The consequences for violating our Terms of Use or Community Standards vary depending on the severity of the violation and the person’s history on Reetzy. For instance, warnings will be given for the first violation, but if we continue to see further violations, we may restrict a person’s ability to use Reetzy or ban the person from Reetzy entirely.
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