How much does it cost to sell on Reetzy?

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You may not believe it, but selling on Reetzy is free!

  • 0 Listing Fee. It’s free to list all of your items. Your listings will be active as long as you want. We simply ask you to manage your inventory best to your ability.
  • 0% Commission Fee. At this time, we do not charge any fee to sell your item on Reetzy.

Paypal Fees:

  • 3.4% + $0.30 cents. (In U.S. sales. Fees vary for international payments)
    This is a payment processing fee you pay to Paypal to process your payment and get Paypal’s Seller Protection
    Click here to check Paypal fees.

Rest assured that Reetzy does not charge any fees to buyers as well. The buyers also only pay the item price and any applicable shipping fees that you choose to charge them.
There are no hidden fees, and we promise to make it affordable for you to earn the most from your sales!

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